A Journey to Greatness


Sunday, February 10, 2013

5 Quick Things

Let's meet some of the terrific people that make Normandin Middle School a GREAT place to learn:
Luz Fleming - Main Office Secretary
1. I am a life-long New Bedford resident. I went to St, Anthony's School for elementary junior high school.

2. I graduated from Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational Techinical High School in 2001 from the Automotive Technology Program.

3. I had joined the Massachusetts Army National Guard when I graduated from high school. My orders were to complete nine weeks of Basic Combat Training at Ft. Jackson, South Carolina and 12 weeks of A.I.T. (job training) at Ft. Leonardwood in Missouri, but sadly was discharged due to a knee injury.

4. I had gotten engaged last November. My (now fiance) have been together for 12 years and have two beautiful children: Andrea who is 7 and Philip who is 3.

5. I believe whole-heartedly in embracing your "inner nerd". One of my all-time favorite shows is "The Big Bang Theory" Sheldon is my favorite. I'm also a "techie" or backstage crew for a local theatre company, Footlights Repertory Co.

Kristen Nightingale - Grade 6 Special Education

1. New proud Mom of 8 month old Jack
2. I cry in all movies... Even comedies!!!
3. When I was little girl, I wanted to be a nun
4. I have zero coordination and fall or trip over something weekly
5. I love serendipity!!!

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