A Journey to Greatness


Friday, August 16, 2013

Welcome Back!

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s) and Students:

I am extremely excited to start the 2013-2014 school-year at Normandin.  Upon reflection of my first year as principal at Normandin Middle School, it is clear to me that we have a terrific opportunity during this year to improve student learning, growth & achievement by focusing on Quality Instruction, Culture & Community (QICC).  We have a clear, concise and intentional plan that will ensure we reach our educational goals and expectations.  We look forward to sharing this plan with you and involving you as partners in your child’s education.  Our school will model a community of learners, where adults and children alike strive to grow and learn on a daily basis. Our new school motto embraces this new philosophy; NORMANDIN MIDDLE SCHOOL-A COMMUNITY OF LEARNERS: EVERYONE, EVERY DAY, ALL DAY!

               We have been very busy at Normandin.  We are excited about our new Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) framework.  PBIS is an approach that maximizes academic and social behavior outcomes for students.  We will also have a new advisory curriculum that will personalize each child’s educational experience.  Advisory programs have been successful in reducing risk behavior and disciplinary issues, and increasing academic achievement in schools. Our outstanding staff is excited to welcome newly hired members to the team, so that we can provide your child with the BEST education in Massachusetts. 

               One of the most effective ways to promote student growth academically, behaviorally, and socially is through a partnership that bridges the school and home together.  Please notice on the top right of our page the option to view the blog in a  variety of languages.  I would like parents, students and community members to have the opportunity to receive text and/or email notifications from the Principal.  Such notifications may include school cancellations/delays, upcoming school events, report card distribution and positive news about our students and school.  If you are interested please click here.  We look forward to communicating with you!


·        6TH Grade Orientation:  August 22nd,  6:30-7:30 pm in the Cafetorium

Join us as we share a brief overview and expectations for the upcoming year.  We will answer questions and show families around our great school.

·        First Day of Classes Grade 6:  September 3, 2013, all students report to the gym and must be in school no later than 7:50 am.

·        First Day of Classes Grades 7 & 8:  September 4, 2013, all students report no later than 7:50 am. 


o   No student drop off in the parking lot or the front of the building, these areas are designated for Buses Only.  ALL walking and parent drop-off students must enter Harwich St. entrance.

I am honored to serve this wonderful community, and am looking forward to an exciting school year.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact the school at 508.985.4300.

William Burkhead
